Accessibility Statement


Dear Customer,

This is the year of GST. You will see reminders throughout the catalogue that our prices will be changing on January 1, 1991. Despite what you hear or suspect about price levels, the impact will not be felt on most of our products.

For about 75% of the items in this catalogue, you will pay about the same on January 2nd as you did on December 31st. Of the other 25%, some will go down less than the amount of the GST (therefore they will cost more) and others, books in particular, will cost you 7% more because they are not taxable now but become taxable when the GST replaces the current federal sales tax.

This is one of the biggest tax changes in our history. Unfortunately, politicians generally are not making it a smooth implementation. The federal government is pretending that initial regulations are perfect. They aren't, of course, because they were developed without consulting the afflicted.

The provincial premiers are pretending that they don't have to be involved. They will succumb one by one until we see co-ordination of GST and provincial sales tax in most provinces by the spring of '91.

It could have been so much easier if we had more statesmen and fewer politicians.

On a more positive note, as the cold weather approaches, our woodworking shops make the winter more bearable, even enjoyable. In my own case, I don't even have to design any new woodworking projects. I have all the leftover ones from last year that didn't get completed.

Good health to all.Leonard G. LeePresident

P.S. The blue dots (like this ) throughout the catalogue indicate product new to this catalogue.