Accessibility Statement


Dear Customer,

There are those among us who still, from time to time, try to justify backyard gardening on a feeble but traditional economic argument – the amount saved by growing your own food and flowers. While there is some merit to this traditional approach, I have yet to meet a hobby gardener willing to sell produce at market prices. Deep down we all know that what we grow in our own gardens is better in many subtle ways than the mass-produced alternative. We know what sprays, dusts and fertilizer have been used, if any. We also know when they were used and what precautions were taken. The flavor of our produce is always better and the colors more vibrant than anything available commercially. This combination of knowledge and bias builds confidence and affection for the product of our hands, completely overwhelming the thought, now barely stirring at the bottom of our mind, that we better enjoy it because it almost certainly cost more than the commercial alternative.

Yours sincerely,Leonard G. LeePresident
