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Festool MFK 700 EQ Module Edge Router – Basic Adjustments

Knowing what routing speed to use is important because it affects the routing results as well as safety. Here are a few guidelines to help you choose the speed for the job.

The edge router also features a micro-adjustable depth control with dual locking columns for precise routing control. Learn how to adjust the routing depth for precision cuts.

Adjusting the Speed Control

The variable speed control on the Festool MFK 700 EQ module edge router allows you to set the speed to suit the material and router bit size (Photo 1).

Due to the nature of the horizontal base design, do not use a bit with a cutting length greater than 5/8" (16mm) and a shank length of 1 13/16" (46mm).

As a general guideline, the larger the bit size, the lower the speed should be, and the harder the material, the faster the speed can be. The feed rate should also be considered.

Close-up of the speed adjustment thumbwheel

Photo 1 – Use the speed-adjustment thumbwheel to control the motor speed.

Adjusting the Routing Depth When Using the Vertical Router Base

To fine-tune an initial routing depth setting, use the micro-adjust feature on the router. The procedure to adjust the setting is as follows.

  1. Loosen the rotary knob (Photo 2).

  2. Loosen the clamp (Photo 3).

  3. Turn the rotary wheel to set the router base to the required routing depth. Turn clockwise to increase the depth and counterclockwise to reduce the depth in 1/10mm increments (Photo 4).

  4. Tighten the rotary knob and the clamp to complete the setting.

Loosening the gripping knob

Photo 2 – Loosen the gripping knob.

Loosening the clamping thumbscrew

Photo 3 – Backing off on the clamping thumbscrew releases the router for adjustment.

Using a Veritas precision square to check the bit projection

Photo 4 – Turning the adjustment knob controls the depth of cut in fine increments.

In the next section, we’ll show you how to perform two of the most common tasks, trimming edging and cutting dadoes or grooves.

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