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Festool MFK 700 EQ Module Edge Router – Edge Trimming & Cutting Dadoes/Grooves

This maneuverable, versatile router can be oriented horizontally for trimming banding or vertically for conventional routing.

Edge-trimming using the Festool MFK 700 router

Setting Up for Edge Trimming

Trimming edge banding is the most common application for this router. The feeler bearing allows the use of bearing-less bits to trim edges.

With the feeler bearing installed, follow this procedure to trim an edging flush with the surface.

  1. Install the 1.5° horizontal base (Photo 1).

  2. Note that the bearing is aligned midway along the length of the bit (Photo 2).

  3. Mount the extractor hood (Photo 3).

  4. Place a flat scrap straddling the base and the bit (Photo 4).

  5. Adjust the depth until the bit is level with the base (Photo 5).

  6. Tighten the rotary knob to confirm the setting, and make a test cut on a scrap to confirm the setting (Photo 6).

Edge router with the 1.5° base installed

Photo 1 – The 1.5° base permits flush-trimming edge banding without damaging the adjacent surfaces.

The bearing guide installed

Photo 2 – The bearing guide allows the router to follow straight or curved edges.

Dust shroud installed

Photo 3 – The dust shroud allows collecting much of the debris directly at the source.

A block of wood being used as a gauge

Photo 4 – You can use a scrap block of wood as a gauge to indicate the position of the cutter relative to the base. Using wood prevents damage to the carbide bit.

There is no gap between the router bit and wooden block

Photo 5 – The absence of a gap between the wooden block and the base indicates the router bit is set flush.

A woodworker flush-trimming edge banding

Photo 6 – With a careful set-up, it’s possible to flush-trim edge banding cleanly.

Cutting Dadoes and Grooves

Dadoes and grooves are cut using the edge guide as a fence to position the bit a precise distance from the reference edge of the workpiece.

  1. Draw a center line and stopping mark for the groove on the workpiece.

  2. Connect the vertical base to the edge guide.

  3. Align the center-line indicator in the router base with the groove’s center line on the workpiece (Photos 7 & 8). Secure both guide rods with the two rotary knobs on the side stop to lock the edge guide setting.

  4. Install the router motor in the vertical base. Set the cutting depth (Photo 9).

  5. Routing can begin once the dust extraction hose and power cord are connected (Photo 10).

Image left: The center-line indicator on the base is not aligned with the layout line on the work. Image right: The center-line indicator on the base is aligned with the layout line on the work.

Photos 7 & 8 – Use the micro-adjust knob to align the center-line indicator on the base with the layout on the work.

A woodworker is using a Veritas precision square to set the bit projection

Photo 9 – You can use the most convenient method to set the bit to a specific cutting depth. The Veritas precision square works especially well because you can register one leg on the router base.

A woodworker using the router to mill a groove in a piece of plywood

Photo 10 – The result of careful set-up is an accurate groove.

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