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Earlex Spray Station – Getting Started

For use with a wide variety of finishes, this all-in-one HVLP sprayer system is capable of producing the finely atomized particles needed to create a flat, even finish, allowing you to maximize coverage and minimize the number of coats required.

It’s a straightforward, reliable system to use, but there are some details to be aware of before you get going.

Spraying the side of a dresser.

Setting Up the Spray Station

It is pretty simple to set up your new spray station. The first step is to mount the hose to the back of the spray gun (Photo 1). Then connect the other end of the hose to the turbine unit through the front hole.

Installing the hose on the spray gun.

Caption: Photo 1 – Push and twist to lock the hose end in place.

How should I prepare the spraying area?

You can also use a portable shelter. The shelters are a great way to keep overspray and drifting airborne droplets contained when finishing a project, indoors or out (Photo 2).

Using a spray shelter indoors.

Photo 2 – Using a spray shelter indoors to contain overspray and keep dust off the project.

Which tip should I use?

You can change the spray tip set and choose a fine or wide air cap nozzle to control the flow of material. Then dial in the spray pattern by adjusting the flow control knob on the unit either + or – to your desired width.

This table provides a general guideline for the selection of the tip and nozzle based on the material you want to use.

Material Sprayed Tip Size (in mm) Spray Size / Finish
Very thin liquids – lacquers, oil-based stains. 1.0 1"-6" pattern / fine finish
Stains & polyurethane 1.5 1"-6" pattern / fine finish
Latex paint, chalk-type paint & Milk-type paint 2.0 1"-6" pattern / fine finish
Primer & latex paint 2.5 10"-12" pattern / medium finish

How much should I thin my finish?

Many finishes need to be properly diluted before spraying. Thinning is very important to achieve the desired result. Be sure to refer to the finish manufacturer’s technical data sheet for its recommendation. Water-based stains may need little if any dilution, while latex paints can require significant thinning for proper atomization – as much as 15 percent.

Your spray station comes with a viscosity cup, which allows you to determine whether a finish needs thinning and by how much. For the Spray Station 5500, the recommended viscosity rating is 160 seconds, which means that if the finish flows through the viscosity cup in 160 seconds or less, there is no need to thin (Photo 3).

Using the viscosity cup to check if finish needs thinning.

Photo 3 – Time how long it takes for the finish to flow from the cup.

Before committing to your project, test on a piece of scrap or cardboard, and adjust the viscosity accordingly. This also gives you an opportunity to practice your technique.

In the next section, we’ll run through the sprayer’s controls and show how to achieve different spray patterns and adjust the coverage area.

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