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Festool Planex Drywall Sander – How To Work With It

Here are some pointers for getting the best results with your Planex sander, including setting the suction, selecting the right sandpaper for the job, and working with the sander to obtain a smooth surface while minimizing user fatigue.

A Festool Planex drywall sander sitting atop a Festool CT dust extractor

Setting the Suction

For optimal results, you need to set the proper suction on the Planex and choose sandpaper to suit the task. Here’s how.

The Planex has two suction settings, one for walls and one for ceilings. Start with low pressure on the suction regulator, and slowly increase it toward the ceiling or wall selection until the application pressure is reached.

Setting the suction to match the surface being sanded

Adjust the suction to suit the type of surface to be sanded.

Proper suction keeps the sander head snug with the surface, relieving the load on your arms.

The choice of sandpaper is also important. Due to the sander’s aggressiveness, choose a higher grit than usual. For example, for popcorn removal, use 80x, while for multiple-coated paint surfaces, go with 24x or 36x.

Operating the Festool Planex Drywall Sander

There is a slight difference between the latest model and the two earlier models in how you begin sanding. For the Planex and Planex Easy, place the sander head on the surface and then turn on the machine.

With the new Planex 2, you can turn on the machine either before or after putting the head to the work surface.

When done, pull the Planex off the surface before switching off the tool to avoid leaving abrasive marks on the wall.

With all the models, stand directly under the sander to minimize shoulder strain. For prolonged overhead work, use a harness to help shift the weight from your shoulders to your body.

Standing below the sander to minimize shoulder strain.

Sanding Techniques

In use, move the sander head in a uniform and symmetrical manner to prevent gouging marks. When sanding a surface coated with thick paint or popcorn, overlap the sanding paths.

Sanding low on a wall, standing close to it to reduce arm strain

When sanding low on the wall, stand closer to the surface to reduce strain on your arms.

Sanding a popcorn ceiling

Overlap the pad paths to ensure proper coverage.

Do not attempt to use more than two extension tubes, and do not use the sander for wet sanding or for working with oil-based lubricants.

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