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Festool OF1010 REQ Router – Basic Settings

Knowing what routing speed to use is important because it affects the routing results as well as safety. Here are a few guidelines to help you choose the proper speed for the job.

The Festool OF1010 Router

Routing Speed

The variable speed control on the Festool OF1010 REQ router allows you to set the speed to suit the material and router bit size.

If the speed is too fast, it may cause burn marks, while too slow a speed could result in an inconsistent cut with a wavy surface.

As a general guideline, the larger the bit, the lower the speed should be, and the harder the wood, the faster the speed can be. You can refer to these suggested router speeds to match the type of material to be worked on.

Material Cutter Size (in mm)
3-14 15-25 26-35
  Rotary Speed Dial
Hardwood 6-4 5-3 3-1
Softwood 6-5 6-33 4-1
Laminate Board 6-5 6-33 4-2
Plastic 6-4 5-3 2-1
Aluminum 3-1 2-1 1
Plasterboard 2-1 1 1

The speed-adjustment thumbwheel

Photo 1 – Use the thumbwheel to select the cutter speed

The Festool plunge router features a micro-adjustable depth control with a turret system for precise routing control. Learn how to adjust the routing depth with another approach.

Adjusting the Routing Depth

The routing depth on the Festool plunge router can be set by using the direct reading scale or by using a set-up block or bar with the turret, which some find faster and more accurate.

Step 1 – Zero out the router

  • Set the fine adjuster to zero (Photo 2).

  • Loosen the clamp lever, and raise the depth stop.

  • Place the router on a level surface.

  • Loosen the rotary knob and push the router down until the cutter sits on the surface (Photo 3).

  • Lock the position by tightening the rotary knob.

Step 2 – Set the routing depth

  • Place a bar of the same thickness as the desired depth of cut on one of the turrets, and push the depth stop down to sit on the bar (Photo 4).

  • Clamp the depth stop in this position by tightening the clamp lever.

  • Loosen the rotary knob to release the router.

Close-up of fine adjustment knob

Photo 2 – Fine adjustment knob set to zero

The router bit zeroed against a reference surface

Photo 3 – Router bit set to contact the reference surface

Using a set-up block to act as a spacer for setting the position of the depth stop

Photo 4 – Using a Veritas Set-Up Block to set the depth stop

In the next section, we’ll cover how rout grooves and dadoes using this router and an accessory straightedge guide.

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